Hi everyone, and welcome new subscribers! I know we’re a small operation, but the fact that people keep subscribing really means a lot. <3 ALSO the EPA hasn’t released an updated report on recycling since 2018, as EcoWatch reports… care for an explanation, EPA??
Common climate questions, answered
Okay if I’m being honest, I don’t know if anyone was asking these questions, but I was… so it counts. Leave a comment/reply to this email and I’ll try to help you out in the next issue!
Can trash bags be eco-friendly?? To be honest, I’ve thought a little about this but actually got the inspiration from this. The very idea of a trash bag, a linear waste system, of cycling through constant purchase and disposing, goes against everything that sustainability strives for, but none of us are perfect and some of us *ahem me* don’t have access to zero waste bulk foods because we don’t live in a big city like L.A. (Although I have some great neighbors that give us some free produce fairly often!)
Long story short, the answer is no. (Read the article for more info)
What can actually be recycled? Here in the U.S, where I reside, only about 5% of everything we *try* to get recycled actually gets recycled, as Reuter reports from 2021.
Essentially, the paper (also compostable!) and aluminum (infinitely recyclable) you put in the recycling bin actually get recycled (and cardboard but that’s paper). As for plastic, check with your area first, but typically bottles and tubs can be (not the small lids though, usually). (NPR)
Is the water we’re drinking actually safe? So I’m talking about the U.S again, but I would love to hear your thoughts/experiences from where you live, because I know generally Europe is ages ahead of us. Anyway, I recently watched Down to Earth (starring Zac Efron, from High School Musical) episode 2, where they talk about the healthy, clean, sustainable water system in Paris, France! Unlike here, they use oxygenation, UV rays, and sand to filter/process/clean their water, never adding anything (no minerals, chemicals, etc.). They offer that safe, clean water throughout the city, even with sparkling water fountains (only adding CO2!). But here, we use chlorine and other chemicals, which isn’t benefiting us OR the planet. Learn more here.
Which saves more water: the dishwasher or hand washing?
Life’s greatest answer is about to be answered… washing by hand uses 2 gallons of💧 per minute, versus a dishwasher using 2-8 per cycle. Despite a dishwasher being a machine and not a human being (yes prepare for the fact that technology has beat us) it’s actually more energy efficient. So… will there may be things you may have to wash by hand, but as my mom suggests, just fill the sink up with soap and water, use that, and then rinse with fresh water. It should help! AND be sure to sure to use Dropps dishwasher pods, as they’re the most sustainable option on the market!
Places with the most and least expected climate risk
Hopefully that phrasing makes sense, basically the states with the most mild and extreme effects of the climate crisis in the future. The scale used is the Risk Index, and the lower the number, the better (the best tend to be landlocked with decent elevation).
View states at the top of the graphic below
Cities - Hippo (there’s also a fun quiz)
Bakersfield, CA
El Paso, TX
Tucson, AZ
Boise, ID
Laredo, TX
1. The South
The West
Arlington, TX *the worst*
Newark, NJ
Jersey City, NJ
Miami, FL
Denver, CO *still pretty bad*
The worst states can be found at the bottom of the graphic below:
Source: SafeHome
Although this is just the U.S., anywhere here is safer than developing nations worldwide, as this article points out. Below is a world map that shows countries with the most/least climate risk, and the safest are those with a GDP per capita. The author also included a quote from Greta Thunberg, (along the lines of this topic), saying, “Stop saying we’re all in the same boat. We’re all in the same storm. But we’re not all in the same boat.”
Also the fact that some greedy capitalists profited off us and created a world where we can’t comfortably live in our dream city in <10 years? Disgusting.
Source: The Eco Experts
Check out…
Climate Life - get easy solutions to implement in your life to reduce your carbon emissions!
Think Twice About Working for a ‘Climate Villain’ (The Atlantic) - This dives into working as an attorney for a company harming the climate, but this could be applied to any defense attorney defending ‘the wrong side.’
How to Save a Planet listeners’ climate action stories (and the podcast episode) - To remind you to take some action, I’d love to hear about it and will definitely include it in a future issue! ;)
The Climate Future Cookbook (Grist) - Discover some sustainable plants you can cook and make delicious dishes with (and some non-plants… but that’s your choice). P.S. follow @blackforager on Instagram and TikTok to enjoy some native plants from your own backyard!
Good climate news
H&M canceled their greenwashing clothing line - After 12 years, the false claims of various garments tagged “Conscious Choice” will disappear (starting in spring 2023). While the may be much, it reminds consumers we have the choice to vote for our $ and greenwashing doesn’t fly here.
Patagonia is giving $100 million a year to fight climate change - You’ve probably already heard this, but Patagonia’s founder, Yvon Chouinard, has created a nonprofit organization, Holdfast, which will oversee the approx. $100 million a year Patagonia generates, directing those funds to climate action in various forms. This article suggests where that money could go, and its definitely worth reading.
Russia activists file first climate change lawsuit - Russian citizens are demanding Russian authorities take measures to reduce CO2 emissions to keep the global average temperature rise at 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels (of which we have less than 7 years!!!), and coming forward with this is a considerable risk.
Wrap up
Feel free to share this with others AND share your climate action/experiences in the comments! Love you all! <3